My second book of poetry is available in Kindle version (on Amazon) and in paperback everywhere (you may have to order it at brick and mortar shops). This one is just poems and continues the contemplative, observational, calming, style of Conditions.
Also available in other formats on (10/10/13).
Of course you can preview on Amazon, but here are a couple further into the book:
Little Bird
Little bird, where
do you go
When the rain
beats down
And the wind does
howl and blow?
It can’t be far;
you’re always out
As soon as the sun
Returns and the
kids begin to shout.
Your tiny voice is
so very loud;
When you leave
there’s silence.
So I’m happy to
see a break in cloud,
Knowing you’ll
soon be back!
Passed By
It’s coming!
Wind picking up,
gusting, cool.
Clouds piling up,
The birds excited,
racing about.
Thunder rumbling,
deep and throaty,
Still distant.
It’s coming!
The wind swirls;
you almost
Taste the rain
The trees bend and
As the thunder
comes closer
And the birds
It’s coming!
A patch of blue?
The clouds
streaming by, breaking up
Thunder less
Wind suddenly
Where’d it go?
Passed us by.
The Bog
Limpid pools of
dark oily water
Call with enchantment
As magic can be.
Frogs skitter at
the edges
Disturbed by boys’
silent noisy progress.
Muck sucks
At sneakers
filling them
With sulfurous
black goo.
Spiders hang
dangerously close
To the surface,
barely visible
In the mystic gloom.
Treasures lurk
just below the surface –
Beer cans, half
their labels dissolved,
Husks of bottle
rockets, and even,
To the lucky, a
mud-sodden baseball.
Mom won’t like the
Or the pieces of
carried home.
But nothing she
says can stay the lure
Of the dim,
smelly, bog.