Pearl, MD is a historical novel set in 1883 North Carolina and Missouri. Dr. Pearl Stern is one of the first female doctors in the United States. She faces bravely the prejudices of the time against professional women, women who speak their mind, and the timeless resistance to change, specifically in adopting the Pasteur method of antiseptic procedure that was new at the time in medicine.
She has a strong, quiet ally in Chief Hershel Harkins and a good friend in Jeremiah Dickson. She also has a past she is running from in her native Missouri.
The story is full of fascinating insights into the changing culture of the post Civil War south (Pearl is ostracized because she hires and treats black people) and the medical practices and medicaines of the time. Ms. Bartlett clearly understands her history.
The story is a bit slow moving and this reviewer would have liked to have felt more warmth between Dr. Stern and Chief Harkins. However, it is well written and offers an amazing window on a tumultuous time with much change in progress that we take for granted today.
Pearl, MD
is available at Amazon or most other outlets.
A copy of Pearl, MD was provided in return for an honest review.
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