Friday, May 3, 2013

Feature and Follow - Sneak Peak at What I'm Reading

8474595901 873f4993f4 Feature & Follow #137

I am currently reading Lyn Hamilton's archaeological mystery The African Quest. It is a quirky mix of what archaeological tourism used to be before all the turmoil in Tunisia, Libya and other nations, a modern story and the ancient backstory that sets it up. So far (about halfway through) it is both well crafted and well-paced.

One scene in the book that worked well was when the protagonist, Lara McClintock, was following a suspected thief through the markets of Tunis. One could feel the jostling of the crowd and the myriad smells good and bad assaulting one's nose.

A scene that did not work, for me, was the meet-up scene at the hotel on arrival in Tunis. The descriptions were not nearly as crisp and vivid as the market scene and the dialog a bit tired.

The above notwithstanding, I would recommend this for mystery buffs, especially if you like your mysteries with a little bit of historical spice and exotic locations.

Any other mysteries with a twist you'd recommend?


  1. I'm not a huge mystery buff, but I might give this one a try. :)

    Old follower by GFC!
    My FF

  2. Passing through to say hi!I'm a new follower who found you by FF blog hop and hope I can see you back at my blog or blogs =)

  3. Hey :) Just wanted to let you know I stopped by.I'm a new follower! I'm following you via bloglovin'. Hope to get a follow back :)


  4. This looks like my blog. ;D ooh I love mysteries.

    New GFC follower
    Cindy @
